The Binder:
I selected a plain old 1" binder with nothing fancy and I did not bother with colored copies. While I spent time creating the lists, I did not want to invest all of the money I usually invest in binders in case this one is not used or destroyed in the process.
In the front pocket I created a "How You Can Help" list and it includes everything from walking one of our dogs to buying me a Starbucks latte. :) I have also included small helpful tasks (like setting up for M's bath) or making me a sandwich. People always offer to help and I am rarely prepared to accept it. This way I have a list of suggestions for people who offer!
The first page in the binder is a "We Are All Out Of..." running list. Since I will have Eric, my family, and Eric's mother visiting and staying to help I thought that by having one convenient place to write down "Paper Towels" or "Ketchup" would be a good idea. Later in the binder I have a list of our online shopping accounts (Weis Online Grocery Shopping, Amazon, Sams, and that ANYONE can use in our family to order these supplies.
Next in the binder I have M's current schedule in case he is left with someone else or someone offers to help with him for the day or part of the day. I also have a list of his favorite activities and where they are located and a few rules/expectations that we have for him. He is VERY good about cleaning up after himself so we would like that expectation to remain consistent.
Food is a big deal, especially when you have a family of four to take care of. In hopes of maintaining my own milk supply and be a good breast-feeding momma, keeping my family's diet healthy, and not spending an excessive amount of time/money on food, I have prepared a few helpful lists. The first is a "Stacie's Sunday Lunch/Snack Prep" list. This lists foods to purchase and cook/prep that I can eat throughout the week very quickly. Items include slicing cheese for cheese & crackers, making a simple pasta salad with cheese, and cutting raw vegetables to eat with sandwiches. Since Eric will be around on Sundays to help with the boys I am hoping that we can do some weekly food prep as well.
Next, I have created two weeks of menus (hopefully I can craft another week or two before C arrives). These menus include the menu item, the grocery list organized by department, and the recipes. I slipped each menu packet in it's own page protector to keep it all together. Then I included the log-in information for our online shopping accounts. This way any of our parents or Eric can log-in, order the groceries, and pick them up.
This all may turn out to be a tad excessive once C arrives. My goal is to streamline the systems and tasks in our home so that we spend the minimum amount of time away from our boys or worrying about household tasks. This will probably be my last baby and I don't want to miss even one extra second of it withe groceries or cleaning. So if the binder goes unused, so be it, but at least I was prepared!
The House:
I read over on Daily Mom a few tips and tricks to preparing and surviving 2 under 2. I have taken some of her advice and have prepared the house accordingly. SHOWERING. I loved being able to take a shower every morning after I had M. I would nurse and snuggle him and then tuck him back into the Fisher Price Rock 'n Play and hop in the shower for 5 minutes. This time around I picked up a very cheap Pack 'n Play to plop M in while C is tiny and I will tuck C in the Rock n' Play for what I hope is a 5 minute morning shower. I also have an old (unused) clear shower curtain that I found still in it's package in the basement. I may swap that out for my current shower curtain so that I can keep an eye on the boys. Right now M plays with a small basket of toys on the bathroom floor when I shower, but I don't know if he will be able to leave C alone if he is left out and about in the bathroom. NURSING. Since I plan on nursing again Eric and I have a few plans for M during this time. First, we do not believe in using the TV. This may change as needed during my leave, but for the most part we do not plan on allowing him to watch TV. Instead, our kitchen and family room are already M proof and are very safe places for him to play with his toys. So, I would be able to nurse on the sofa while he plays. I also have baby gates on each of the boy's bedrooms so M could play with his Duplos in his room while I nurse or he can play in C's room while I nurse in the glider. Last but not least, there is a basket of toys in our bedroom that M can use if I am nursing in bed. As long as Eric and I stick to keeping things tidy, M should be safe to play while I peacefully nurse. He loves to read so I just ordered more books for him to read and I have made about 100 Busy Bags and Quiet Boxes for him to use. We are hoping to save those strictly for nursing times to make them extra special. Over at Daily Mom they suggest preparing an emergency toy cabinet. So, off I went to 5 Below where I found a Play Dough factory, dinosaurs, stickers, and some FANTASTIC Duplo knock-off kits. I stuffed my purchases in the entertainment center as a last resort for M. OUT AND ABOUT. I am not too worried about this one. M loves to hold my hand and walk and I plan on baby-wearing C. At this time M "holds the tire" when I have him out of his car seat and I am digging in the back of the car for items. He would easily sit on the floor of the car and wait as well. I do not plan on going out a lot in the beginning either (I am on unpaid maternity leave for 5 months...I can't really justify shopping.) The diaper bag isn't really a concern either. I saw on Pinterest the idea of organizing the diaper bag with clear zipper pouches so I stocked up on those when I was pregnant with M. All I have to do is tuck my nursing pouch back in the bag for C with a change of clothes, burp rag, and newborn diapers. Easy! STOCK PILE. Daily Mom and many other bloggers suggest stock piling the non-perishables and toiletries. Well, I have successfully stockpiled paper towels, toilet paper, diapers (for both boys), wipes, and toiletries for Eric and I. I have a few casseroles in the freezer and extra boxes of pasta and jarred spaghetti sauce. We also bought a quarter of a cow this spring so I have plenty of roasts and steaks that are easy to thaw and throw in the crock pot or on the grill.
At this time, 6 weeks from my due date, this is what I have done to be prepared for enjoying every second of 2 under 2. Hopefully some of my preparation works out for the best so that Eric and I can just enjoy every single moment (good and difficult) with our adorable boys!